Justin Bieber
Justin Bieber is a fairly successful singer-songwriter.
The music video for his song "Baby" is the most viewed video on youtube, with 500 million hits.
So how much time have people spent watching it?
3 minutes, 45 seconds per view.
Almost 4 thousand years.
To watch a video and listen to music, an average computer uses about 280 watts every hour.
In the United States, where most of the views come from, 1 pound of carbon dioxide is created for every kilowatt used.
Almost 10 million pounds of carbon dioxide have been created to watch this single video.
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That girl is killing the environment! Someone should shut her up.
I can't believe what I am reading.
Yeah, successful, we must admit it so ok...
Who knew watching his video is killing the environment. That's horrible!
wow, 4 thousand years!
i despise that little girl...
Good stats.
wow global warming can be attributed to bieber haha
wow amazing facts like this
Well, that makes me feel even better I've never seen any Beiber videos.
i'm so glad to hear that this trash is really trash killing us. now i have proof that he sucks the life out of us.
JUSTIN Bieber.?
*Runs away*
The proof that at least 500 million people are degenerate idiots.
i really dont care to hear about this and dont get why anyone cares x.x
Interesting post. Justin Beiber is seriously popular.
makes me hate beiber even more now
wow. just when i thought that beiber couldn't be anymore useless...
yes he is my idol NOT
I still dont know if she's a girl of boy.
Terrible music always gets this popular, its insane.
ergo, bieber causes global warming?
I always knew he would play a part in the end of the world.
lol this blog is awesome
nice stats
That much carbon dioxide for bieber, oh my god where is the world going...
That is ALOT of Carbon Dioxide...excluding that waste that comes from his mouth too. I'm sorry, but this actually is brilliant?
Kill the environment to listen to bieber? thats terrible.. youtube should take his videos down :P
so many years spent on listening to rubbish
Wat the fuuuuu !
Okay im impressed !
Justin Beiber = cause of global warming
thats some interesting statistics you've got there ;)
those are crazy stats :O where did u find them ??
GREAT. So in addition to making me nauseous, Justin Bieber also played a part in ending the world.
Just great.
we must defeat it!
My God 4,000 years lol. I wish ppl spent the same time and energy reaching for the Stars and perhaps we wouldn't still be stranded on this Planet lol.
I love your blog, it puts everything into perspective!
Justin Biber is killing the world. What a news hun?
I didn't know that justin is a song writer
Kinda scary stats..
That's a long time
I knew it.
great stats!
what a waste
Damn beiber is such a douchebag!
500 million :O
I am on the same page as billyroll, just another reason to suggest he sucks and there is a consequence we are paying for those letting him keep sucking
good man here
Robert Frost | Poetry
can honestly say i've not heard a beiber song
Pretty crazy. I don't really get the haters, if you don't like his music don't listen to it. At least it's not half as shitty as today's hip hop.
im sure not every view is by human, interesting stats though
So Justing kills our enviroment? :P
Don't like him!
Wow thats crazy. Nice facts
Oh my God. Wow. I never even imagined that.
wow, just wow
Can I just side with Astronomy Pirate and call it done?
justin its gay :P
Ive never seen it! Now Im very enviromental friendly no? :D Thanks for your support! I really appreceate it!
Bieber needs to be stopped, he is killing the environment.
Actually Justin is providing carbon dioxide for plants. No plants we die.
Hey there, Admin! It's wonderful to make your acquaintance! Thanks for stopping by my blog, and leaving such positive comments! They made my weekend
I've taken the liberty of adding your site to my list of inspiring blogs...I've read a few of your posts and am amazed at some of the stats you discuss here! As a dyscalculic, I need to be able to experience numbers in a more concrete manner in order to truly grasp what they mean...and you do a good job of making the numbers accessible to someone like me!
In terms of Justin Bieber, I never realized just how much valuable time is wasted with mindless ephemera (can you tell I'm NOT a fan?)! Thanks again!
bieber is responsible for global warming. :O
Great find!
I'm sure he would have a lot less views if so many people didn't hate him.
Another reason to hate the Bieber
Beiber is ruining the world :O
I guess being so polarizing has only helped his popularity.
What a waste.
yeah i know, thats why they have clothes on.
greenpeace should deal with him
Just another reason why Justin Baber = anti-christ.
Most of those views he gets are from people who don't like him anyway.
Okay, I don't hate either Justin Bieber or Rebecca Black, because they're kids who're making money singing songs while the rest of us with horrible voices would never do something like that :p
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