In mathematics, it is really hard to prove things.
Almost 75 years ago, a mathematician name Collatz made a conjecture, that seem pretty simple.
He said take any number. If it's even, divide it by two. If it's odd, multiply it by three and add one. Then repeat. He said no matter what number you started with, you'd end up at 1 eventually.
As it turns out, no one has been able to prove it.
But it has been tested a lot. In fact, it's been tested for almost 6 billion billion different numbers, and it's worked for every one of them.
That's a lot of tests.
If everyone on the planet tested one of these every second, it would take 27 years for us to test that many.
Funny thing is, mathematicians don't really care how many tests you've run.
They want proof.
nice so who gonna prove them? and who are they if I may ask?
hahahah They dont care, they want proof, Thats why they need proof of an all mighty God im with the Mathematicians.
Sonny Jim!
Great read!
This is great, because there are an infinite number of numbers!
very short, yet informative article about the Collatz conjecture, I like it.
I don't think I'll ever like math :(
I love how much your blog fascinates me.
And to answer your question, I update usually within two days-ish.
But for the next few weeks, updates will be really scarce because I do not have a scanner handy...
i think all of them weren't tested cause it's just a series
Nice post! I love your posts!
Reminds me of the essay I wrote about Euclid and his Elementa. Gotta love mathematics :)
great post
Billion Billion. That's a big number right there. o_o
very philosophical keep it up =D
Everyone on the planet for 27 years is a long time.
Only proof will speak the truth
Thanks for stopping by my blog. You had to read the previous 2 posts to get what that one was about. Just wanted to say hi!
very cool info! keep it up!
interesting, i'll prove it by starting now until i reach infinity. :)
you'd think after that many trials, they'd just say it was proven and call it a day, no?
Sounds pretty solid to me
but I still want more proof
i remember geometry proofs, so annoying
those numbers are too big
I'm amazed that it's been tested THAT many times.
I don't have enough fingers or toes to get get very far with this counting business.
Man your post are interesting. That is sad, no matter what, seems like it will never be proven.
Interesting blog. I may follow.
This is why I LOVE math!! If a mathematician says it is TRUE then you can bet your life on it.
Owwwww..... My head.
nice! following.
great theme for a blog
I tried with only 2 but it worked haha
Math is wild at times.
it's crazy how such simple problems can still not be solved
Nah, that's a lie! I can't prove it, but it is.
Worked for me in 10 examples.Really interesting thing...
27 years isn't that bad for that many people.
thats why mathmatics are such a pain =.=
Wow, math... not my strong suit. But I wonder, if they have tested it for that many numbers, doesn't that mean they've proved it already? What does it take for a final proof?
In mathematics, there are still many things that haven't been proved yet, but still they can be used when calculating problems. Proving is the hardest part in math.
that's crazy o.0
this is intresting rly..
That's pretty interested. Why can't this be considered proof? :S
Then you can't prove numbers are irreal or real!
Ever heard of Fermat's Last Theorem? It was devised in the middle ages apparently by a mathematician named Fermat. The proof was lost and it was only proven to be correct a couple of years ago by a young mathematician who had to use complex multidimensional ellipsiod math to prove it. It was several pages long.
I wouldn't be surprised if the same thing happens with Collatz conjecture, that it will be proven but with a ridiculously long proof using some really high order maths
My math teacher in school always said "mathematicians are lazy ass fuckers!" :D
proofs are teh most important thing in math
you lost me at multiplying by 3 and adding 1! =P
can't wait to see more of this cool info, followed.
one of the most compelling blog topic ever
Nice blog! (follower #151!)I think I've already heard about this conjecture, it hasn't been solved yet?
Maybe I'll try to solve it haha, don't they award like half a million dollars if you solve these proofs?
Oh and I didn't know there are almost 7 billion people on this planet! I thought it was around 6 billion. :P
great stuff
Dat dere induction
Great post!
everything sounds so easy here but it isnt ...
Wow, it really does work :p and yet there's no proof of this? wow :p
too many numbers.... ahhhh (braingasm)
You can make an app for that. It would make infinite profits.
yeh, nice post. keep it up!
It can't be proved...
Interesting blog, cool post. 6 billion billion...I can't even conceive of how big a number that is.
how exactly do you prove that though?
lol thats very interesting !
just one of MANY reasons why I'm NOT a math major! lol. blah, too much to think about !
I never knew there was a Dollar bill larger then 100$ . crazy talk!
That is amusing.
mind=blown. But where is the sense of proving this?
this is crazy... cause the bible told me we've only been here 3000 years, bro! :)
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