Four-year-old Painter
Aelita Andre is having her premier art show in New York today. She is four years old.
Her paintings are selling at around 10 thousand dollars a piece.
That's pretty good money for a four year old.
If she can make a new abstract painting everyday for the next 60 years she will have earned almost a quarter billion dollars.
Unfortunately that probably won't happen, because almost every child prodigy grows up to be an almost regular adult.
wow, i was only earning $5000 when i was 4 :p
Great Idea on the hidden post or math page, all the added links throughout your site will help with Search Engine Optimization!
Keep up the amazing work!
Like it anyway you want but nothing wrong with it at the moment.
not to mention her parents spending the money before she can grow old enough to spend it herself
I liek it the way it is.... I'll let you know if anything comes to mind :) thanks for stopping by my page. I love your blog! Its really CLICKS with me, ya know? :)
rly? only 4? waaaa nice
jesus christ.
she needs to cash in while she can
Are you kidding me? I guess some kids could possibly paint some nice paintings. But still, 10000? Why not just pay some local daycare to force their kids to paint until you get something that satisfies you?
Also, math sounds great :)
do what you think is best for the blog m8. you shall have my support!
Art critics are mindless idiots one time they were tricked into praising some shit monkey created as orginal and unorthodox view of sourrunding world. All that pretendind to love art snobs think only about new ways to show off so they invented whole new vocalbuary to express their hollow needs in wise words that are in fact worth less than shit
pretty amazing for a 4year old
I would rather see just more number posts, don't really care how the math works, that's just me.
Nice idea, the math page idea.
I don't really like the idea of 4 year old art being praised and studied. Especially when they can't reproduce the quality of work on an consistent basis
Wow...a four-year-old art prodigy? Awesome!
Your ideas for extending this blog sound good...I would be curious to know where you come up with your stats! I think I'd personally prefer the hidden link for a more direct route to the math explanation.
thats amazing :D 10 thousand dollars??
Thats so ridiculous. I honestly don't see why people would buy a 4 year old's abstract, if she painted a Mona Lisa, sure, but abstract? No.
disregarding age, i like her pieces
I wish my kinder painting where wort that much.
My god.. I hope she milks this for as long as she can before she grows up and loses the niche worth.
I also think your blog expansion should be 1 page with links to the others to the right. Check out how I do it on my blog through the links option. Very cool and would work great for you.
Keep up the great blog!
This is ridonk!
I sold Sharpied bookmarks once and people said it was too expensive at $3 apiece. :(
jesus, rich people will buy anything if another person wants it too..
I like both of those ideas
I wish my paintings would sell for that much money, this is just crazy.
Wow 10,000 a I should have a few kids and make them paint.
Amazing figures there lol.
I like the second idea, it's comfortable. That way if I'm really interested for one post, I'll just click that particular link right there.
Anyone can do anything when they put their minds to it :D
Her paintings are pretty good thought.
Some see art, I see splotches.
At what point can I throw gobs of paint on a canvas and charge thousands for it?
Also, those are some great ideas. Some explanations would be nice. Keep up the good work!
Is 27 too old to be considered a literary prodigy?
10,000 bucks! That's awesome. Looking forward to the updates!
My god, I wish I had been a child prodigy, 10,000 would be nice, even if I had done just one picture.
Great start!
yeah I heard about her today
Fascinating. I wish I could make that kind of money. Haha.
She doesn't seem to be a prodigy to me, just some kid throwing around paint.
wow that is a lot of money for a child :0
i really dont see the big deal with these paintings
Holy fuck. I need to get into modern art.
that is pretty ridiculous
I just enjoy the figures. Any direction is fine by me.
I like the hidden math companion idea. And I really, REALLY loathe Pollock for having set this up as a trend. I get Pollock's work and I get how cerebral his paintings actually were, but how can a four-year-old comprehend the concept behind this style of work other than DURR IT LOOKS GOOD? Art is as much about concept as it is about presentation.
Maybe she can be lucky enough that her reputation will make her work worth more and make it as a painter.
Wow she's making a lot of money atm! Make anyway you want your blog it's good either way :D
Lol the last line made me snicker.
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